Guiding Light Endowment


Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. Qur’an 24:35

Assalamu ‘Alaykum,

We started memorizing the Qur’an at a young age and soon after began to study it’s meanings. We’ve looked to the Qur’an to guide our lives ever since. In today’s complex world, its easy to get lost in what’s happening and forget what’s truly important.

“It will be said to the companion of the Qur’aan: Recite and rise in status,
recite as you used to recite in the world, for your status will be at the last verse that you recite.”

With this goal of holding steadfast to the Qur’an, my brother Imam Ilyas Anwar and I started Guiding Light in 2012 with one simple mission: To Teach the Qur’an.

Under the guidance of my brother, Imam Ilyas, over 30 huffadh have completed their memorization of the Qur’an. Five of those huffadh completed their memorization at Guiding Light. The Bay Area has gone from importing huffadh from overseas to local huffadh leading us in Taraweeh prayers every year. This is in addition to our evening Qur’an recitation classes for children.

In 2018, we launched a new campaign for Guiding Light. We set out on a mission to create an endowment for Guiding Light. This work is too important to be dependent on individual donations. We set out to create an endowment fund large enough to sustain our efforts for the medium to long-term. Our personal goal is that our generations to come can benefit from our efforts today, insha Allah.

These funds will not be used for any operational needs and will go directly into
a professionally managed sharia-compliant investment fund.

This is our personal appeal to those who care about the Qur’an and its preservation. The Qur’an is preserved by Allah himself, but let us do our part to ensure it continues to be taught to our next generations. In return, we ask Allah to illuminate our hearts with the Qur’an and may it become a means of our salvation in the end. Aameen.


Imam Tahir Anwar,
& Imam Ilyas Anwar

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